Welcome to Our Blog

We plan to use this blog to share our information with parents who are unable to attend the workshop. Those who attended can use this as a convenient tool to communicate with other parents or educational professionals by posting comments.

Our blog will include titles of books and activities that can promote literacy within the home. We will provide a list of resources that will include anything from ideas to places to visit that may help contribute to a child's literacy growth. Feel free to ask questions and get answers through our blog.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Read Aloud/Shared Reading/Independent Reading

Age Group: Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5)

Allowing children to feel empowered by reading can be beneficial. Do not force them or expect them to be able to read. First, as caregivers read books to them. Introduce them to literature early in their life. Around preschool age if they do take the initiative like this child in the video, then encourage the children by listening. At first try not to point out every single thing they are doing wrong because it may shy them away and minimize their level of confidence. Take note of the child's mistakes and come up with strategies to teach them to become better readers. When teachers and parents know what mistakes their children are making it is easier to invent or find appropriate strategies to help them learn to reduce their mistakes. Gradually, introduce a variety of new books to children. The rhythm in some books may help him learn to read other words other than just letters. The pictures and colors may give young readers cues. There are many ways that children learn to read. Just be mindful and aware of the variety of ways that can help your child become literate.


  1. when clicking on video dancing shows up

  2. I was excited to find your content. But the video doesn't work...says something about private. Why put a private video on a blog???

  3. I have a couple of dozen bedtime books-stories, published and unpublished, traffic to read them is low, but growing. I just wanted to get the word out. They are fun and aid in reading development. www.readingtochildren.com
